all postcodes in MK42 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK42 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK42 9AB 2 2 52.131253 -0.469742
MK42 9AD 9 3 52.132477 -0.467281
MK42 9AH 1 1 52.133347 -0.468552
MK42 9AJ 46 0 52.118982 -0.470139
MK42 9AN 6 0 52.130855 -0.468389
MK42 9AP 1 1 52.132224 -0.469964
MK42 9AQ 6 0 52.131143 -0.469139
MK42 9AS 76 0 52.131573 -0.468992
MK42 9AT 10 0 52.130608 -0.468806
MK42 9AU 7 1 52.130943 -0.468955
MK42 9AW 6 0 52.131473 -0.469639
MK42 9AX 7 5 52.130303 -0.467414
MK42 9BA 4 4 52.131484 -0.467023
MK42 9BF 1 1 52.106578 -0.477369
MK42 9BJ 41 5 52.130546 -0.466062
MK42 9BP 1 1 52.130271 -0.466334
MK42 9BS 44 0 52.129096 -0.465892
MK42 9BT 2 2 52.129829 -0.467351
MK42 9BU 12 1 52.129713 -0.465667
MK42 9BW 1 1 52.120828 -0.472443